Duty Roster
Dutyman duty list,
Introduction of DutyMan,
After Bar, Sailing and other duties have been entered in to Dutyman for
a new season if you have any duties you should receive an email from Dutyman with a list of the duties that
you have; there is a personal link to Dutyman in the email
that will log you in. Any months and days that you have a duty are
highlighted with a red underline, a red pointer, or red letters
depending on the view.
You can view duties as Paged or Continuous, in Calendar View or List
could you confirm your duties and arrange a swap, using Dutyman, for
any you can't do as soon as possible; if you can do all your duties you
can confirm them all with one click. If subsequently you find you
can't do a duty you can inform Dutyman at any time and arrange a swap.
the week before an event, to ensure we will have Officers on duty, the
Sailing Secretary checks that the Officers have confirmed their duties.
week before you are due to do a duty you will receive another reminder
email; it will help the Sailing Secretary greatly if you check that you
have confirmed
that you can do the duty, or arrange a swap if you can't, as soon as
If you need to log in and and can't find your link or have forgotten
your password you can go to https://dutyman.biz,
click "Find your duty roster", enter "Aquarius" and search, click the
chevron at the end of "Aquarius Sailing Club Race Officer Duties" and
click "Click here for a log in reminder", enter your email
address and click "Send Welcome Message"; an email will be sent with a
link to log you in. If you need it your name will be firstname
A Race
Management Guide for race duty officers is available in the
Clubhouse and on the
The patrol boat should be manned until 17:30, or until the last boat
has finished sailing if earlier, so members can continue sailing safely
after racing finishes.
Duties: The OOD is responsible for organising the
provision of
cakes and milk for the afternoon tea, for removing the contents of the
kitchen waste bin and replacing the bin liner at the end of the day.
He should ensure any visitors are greeted and someone looks after them.
The desigated bar duty person for Sunday may delegate the
duty to another member of the bar committee if one is available. Bar
service may not be available during races.
Members will be relying on you so please ensure you
undertake your allotted duties.