Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June

Including 4 races for the Regatta Trophy (2 to count), and a race for the Ladies and Novice Cups.

Programme subject to change.


Regatta Trophy Race 1    14:00

Regatta Trophy Race 2    15:30

Tea and cake                After racing


Regatta Trophy Race 3     11:00

Regatta Trophy Race 4     12:00

Light lunch, Quiche & salad  

Ladies and
Novice Trophies Race       13:45  (all can race)

President’s Novelty Event 14:30

Fun and Games               15:30

Strawerry cream tea         16:30
Sandwiches, Homemade cakes, Strawberries and Cream
Please advise any dietary requirements

£6 on the day, £4 booked and paid in advance by Wed. 12 June.
Payable by BACs to: Aquarius Sailing Club
Or contact Diana at
or phone 020 8393 8029

Recent members are encouraged to join in; even If you have no racing experience you can crew for an experienced helm.

Remember to bring spare clothing; the President’s Novelty and the Fun & Games events are likely to be wet experiences!

If a helm only sails Saturday even if they win both races they can lose by tie break if a helm wins both Sunday Regatta Trophy Races.

If you are intending to come to the regatta, and we sincerely hope you are, please contact Diana Carpenter on 020 8393 8029 or email to
to advise her how many will be in your party so she can judge the catering requirements over the two days.