
Aperitif: Mead punch.

Starter: Kipper pate served on medallion of black pudding with lime pickle and oatcake.

Main Course: Mrs Miggins famed wild boar faggots and succulent thigh of capon with cinnamon and date sauce served with mashed potato, mushy peas and turnip elsinore.

Dessert: Spotted Dick with custard and sticky salt caramel and ginger sauce.

Booking and payment to Graham Thompson, 07587 594303, must be made by Monday 12 September.

Shakespearian Evening
19:30 on Saturday 17 September
all for the amazing price of £10.00

Vegetarian alternatives:-

Starter: Humous with oatcake and lime pickle.

Main Course: Nutburger served with the same as the non vegetarian dish.

Dessert: Vegetarian spotted dick will be available.