The wind at the sensor is very different to that at the boats at a much lower level; the estimated direction and force may be included after the date.

Click on a date or Forecast to display a Forecast.  

Wind direction compass

Weather Forecast 2024

01 Jan  Forecast    New years Day, red board warning, no sailing, 20 at club for lunch, tea and cakes.

31 Mar                 Red board strong Stream warning, Easter Egg trophy postponed to later in year

07 Apr                 Red board strong Stream warning, Racing cancelled

14 Apr                 Red board strong Stream warning, Racing cancelled

20 Apr                 Yellow board stream decreasing, MTT at HSC postponed until later in year

21 Apr Forecast    Yellow board stream decreasing. 1.5 knts stream, fiirst racing of the year

28 Apr      

05 May Yellow board stream decreasing. 1 knts stream. best sail of year

11 May                Open day 1

12 May Forrecast  Open day 2

19 May Forecast   Open day 3

26 May Forecast   

02 Jun  Forecast   

09 Jun  Forecast   

15 Jun  Forecast   Regatta Saturdsy, Very windy , gusty and variable

16 Jun  Forecast   Regatta Sunday, bit less windy but still very varisble

23 Jun  Forecast   

26 Jun  Forecast   Cruise to Weir Hotel

26 Jun  Forecast