Autumn 2010


Commodore's Writes

AGM & Prize Giving

Annual Dinner

Bewl Water Visit

Big Cat's Maiden Voyage

   Two hulls, One Engine

   Four Men In A Boat

Chapter 5 - The End

Chapter 6 - Racing  

Comments SigneT Sailor

Curry Night

Kempton Park Fireworks

News Of Members

Newsletter Printing

Quiz Night



Roaring Twenties

Sailing Beyond The End

Sale of existing Clothing

SigneT Nationals

Social Calendar

Store & Changing Room

Thameside Harmony

What's Been Going On


30 August – Bewl Water

Five AQSC boats went to Bewl on Bank Holiday Monday. Richard Cannon, John Panting and myself took our SigneTs and Nigel Knowles, Rodger Wheeler and John Neale took a couple of Bosuns.

The forecast was for 15 to 20 knts North wind which was great for some but a bit much for others; the 10 to 12knts we had most of the time provided some good sailing. Mostly it was warm and fine although very gusty and shifty for Bewl.

In addition to the above we were also joined by Brenda Panting, Liz Archer, Mike Rogers, Keith and Madeline Hatton and Andrew, Imogen and Edmund Morris. Everybody that wanted to got out for a sail and those that just wanted to get out for ‘a thrash’ duly filled their boots. John Panting had already spent the week at Bewl doing his RYA 1 & 2, so he went off with a friend, who he met on the course, and entered the BVSC Novice racing, and managed to win a can of beer! Well done John!

We eventually came off the water at about 5ish and after packing up and showering made our way to The Grasshopper at Westerham for dinner. I won’t go into detail but it’s highly likely we will never return to that venue again. Bad would be putting it mildly, in fact I think it’s been getting worse over our last three visits. If your wondering why we keep going there it’s because it has a massive car park that, in the past, has gobbled up eight to ten cars all towing boats with no trouble at all. Not many places can do that.

Anyway we had a great day and I would urge more of you to come with us next time we go to Bewl and experience sailing on big open water. If you want an unbiased opinion about the place talk to Imogen and Edmund. Many thanks, as always, to Richard for organising the day, good one mate!

Mike (Over Easy) Baker