Autumn 2010


Commodore's Writes

AGM & Prize Giving

Annual Dinner

Bewl Water Visit

Big Cat's Maiden Voyage

   Two hulls, One Engine

   Four Men In A Boat

Chapter 5 - The End

Chapter 6 - Racing  

Comments SigneT Sailor

Curry Night

Kempton Park Fireworks

News Of Members

Newsletter Printing

Quiz Night



Roaring Twenties

Sailing Beyond The End

Sale of existing Clothing

SigneT Nationals

Social Calendar

Store & Changing Room

Thameside Harmony

What's Been Going On


Whole Orange Cake - Joan Bray

Several members have asked for the following recipe.

It's very easy to make.



2 Small sweet oranges

50gr (2oz) melted butter

              + a little extra.

140gr (5oz) Caster sugar

3 Eggs

85gr (3oz) S.R.Flour

100gr (4oz) Ground Almonds

85gr (3oz) Icing Sugar

Creme Fraiche to serve (Optional)

Oven 180c, Gas 4, Fan 160c

Buttered and lined base of an

8" round deep cake tin.



Put 1 orange in a small saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for 1 hour. Remove from pan and when cool roughly chop, discarding the pips. Put into food processor including peel and whizz until smooth. Whisk sugar and eggs together until light and fluffy, sieve in flour and almonds and gently fold in with metal spoon. Add pureed orange and melterd butter and fold in until just mixed.

Pour into prepared tin and bake for 40-45 minutes. Cool in tin for 5 minutes before removing. Put icing sugar into a bowl and mix with enough juice squeezed from other orange to make a smooth pouring icing and spread over cake.

N.B. This can also be used as a sweet by omitting icing, but dusted with icing sugar and serving warm with creme fraiche.

Joan Bray.