Spring 2012


Commodore's Bit

AGM, Prizegiving, Party

Annual Club Dinner

Annual General Meeting

Any Suggestions?

Ash Wed. Pancakes

Ask Not What Can Do

Boat & Per. Handicap

Bodgit Diaries

Burns Night Celebration

Cheats Christmas Lunch

Club Open Weekend

Club Questionnaire

Fireworks Night

Frostbite Cruise


Newsletter Printing


Race Series

Sailing Prog. Notes

Sailing Sec. Report

SigneT Open Meeting

Start of Season Party

Steven's Ongoing Story

Surprise Event


Wed. Before Christmas

Work Party

Your Club Needs You!


Newsletter Printing

The costs of this Newsletter were met in full by JDC Independent Financial Advisers. We thank Frank Rainsborough for setting this up.

Here are some more of the Navy's slang terms for food.  The first item is topical. This is the Spring issue of Mainsheet, so when a seaman chooses 'Spring-loaded chicken' from the menu, what is it that they're expecting to be served with?  It's vaguely the same size, and can be farm bred, it also doesn't fly, but it jumps, hence 'Spring-loaded' it's Rabbit!

We know that sailors have an salty sense of humour, Fartleberries are baked beans, and finally, for this issue, Snake and Pygmy is rhyming slang for _ _ _  and _ _ _  pie.  A correct answer emailed to will get mention in the next issue, and we're sure to get multiple correct answers, so five names at random will be announced, and that's it, a mention, nothing else!

Club Questionnaire

I was asked to present some facts and figures about the questionnaire at the AGM. Sorry if you missed that but I’m not intending to go over all that again. Needless to say that data will be useful as we begin to write the actual development plan. Thanks to everyone who made a return and congratulations to Dave Jennings who was the winner of the case of wine. Dave was in hospital for a while before Christmas and we all hope you are feeling a bit better now mate!

Mike (Over Easy) Baker