Spring 2012


Commodore's Bit

AGM, Prizegiving, Party

Annual Club Dinner

Annual General Meeting

Any Suggestions?

Ash Wed. Pancakes

Ask Not What Can Do

Boat & Per. Handicap

Bodgit Diaries

Burns Night Celebration

Cheats Christmas Lunch

Club Open Weekend

Club Questionnaire

Fireworks Night

Frostbite Cruise


Newsletter Printing


Race Series

Sailing Prog. Notes

Sailing Sec. Report

SigneT Open Meeting

Start of Season Party

Steven's Ongoing Story

Surprise Event


Wed. Before Christmas

Work Party

Your Club Needs You!


Your Club Needs You!

You may have noticed that it's usually the same old faces that organise club events, prepare the club, make the food, clear up afterwards, etc. etc.

Now it's your turn. If you enjoy events at the club perhaps you could help and spread the load..

Would you be prepared to organise an event or prepare the food?

Alternatively you could help as part of a team.

It does not have to be a large task.

Any help would really be greatly appreciated.

Offers please to

Rodger Wheeler

Any Suggestions?

Look out for a new suggestion scheme coming later in the year. In the interim we are always looking for new ideas and ways of improving the club. So don't hesitate. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Rodger Wheeler