Saturday 15, Sunday 16 June AQSC Regatta, book cream tea important details.
12 June Wednesday 14:00 Committee meeting at the club house.

Saturday 11 May, Sunday 12 May and Sunday 19 May 10.30 to 16.00 RYA Discover Sailing Open Days. If you have ever considered giving sailing a try here’s the ideal opportunity. Drop in for a tea or coffee and a chat and, if you fancy it, go afloat in a racing dinghy with an experienced helm; and best of all it’s free! Aquarius Sailing Club is located on The River Thames with its entrance on the Lower Sunbury Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 2FZ, adjacent to the Sunnyside Reservoir, more. For more information call the club Secretary Graham Thompson on 07917 286595  We look forward to welcoming you to Aquarius SC.
We need Members to come and help supporting our visitors.

21 Apr At last the red High current warning board has been replaced by a Yellow Current Decreasing board. A dry day with a NNE 12 to 24 mph wind is forecast and we expect to sail for the first time this year. Come along and join us.

01 May  Wednesday 14:00 Committee meeting at the club house.

Saturday 20 April  The Mid Thames Trophy inter club event, hosted by Hampton SC this year, is scheduled but all this year there has been over 2 knts current and every Reach of the river has had Red Strong Current Warning Boards, the Environment Agency recommend no craft go afloat. Regrettably but sensibly the event is postponed by HSC until later in the year. Hopefully at some stage we will be able to sail again! Nigel Knowles.

14 April  Some of us have been working at the club this week to clear the river bank behind the dinghies. This is the kind of work that we were hoping that the Thames Water contractors would do. Judging by the state of the river yesterday it is unlikely that sailing will be possible on Sunday, but we live in hope. Therefore if you can spare the time we would like as many of you as possible to come down to the club on Sunday and help finish clearing the bank by moving all the cut material to the upstream end of the bank. We can then put the dinghies back on their moorings. Working gloves are essential and bring lopers if you have them.

Hope to see you all on Sunday. Mike Baker

Saturday 3April  Curry Evening and Quiz at 19:00 for members who have booked. Mike Baker

31Mar  Postponed Red board strong current warning, Start of Racing, Easter Egg Trophy, 4 races, best 3 to count. Start of BST.  

23 Mar   Start of 2024 Season at AQSC, 19:00 for 19:30. We have the pleasure of welcoming Michael Gilbert (suggested by Diana Carpenter who has been to one of his talks) who will give us a talk on ‘The Thames - Bray to Teddington'. Free buffet but if you expect to attend please email for the benefit of catering.

The club will be open with bar facilities and a modest supper (booking required) from 18.30 on the following Wednesdays:
- 23 February
- 13 March

28 Feb Committee meeting 14:00 at the clubhouse.

27Jan Burns Night dinner at 19:00. Booking details and menu were sent by email on 9 Jan. Payment by BACS transfer only; by 19 Jan for discounted price of £8 per person, or £10 by 24 Jan. Phone booking Rodger Wheeler 020 8979 7254.

Mon 01 January 2024  On New Years Day Nigel will be hosting sailing, subject to weather and stream conditions, with a race at 11:0 and a POT LUCK lunch  at 13:00. If you will be there please email Nigel by 12:00 Sunday to ensure that food is reserved for you. Details.

Archived Future Events 2024