Problem with many menus; I am trying to fix.

Aquarius Sailing Club, Thames Water,
Lower Sunbury Rd,
TW12 2FZ
; map

Club Updated to 07407 163421
Sec. 07917 286595
(Secretary is better)

Welcome to Aquarius Sailing Club 25Jan2025

Aquarius Sailing Club is a private members sailing club which is affiliated to the RYA (Royal Yachting Association). We aim to promote dinghy sailing in a safe, family friendly environment.

New members are always welcome, with or without sailing experience. Help with learning to sail club boats is always available.

The sailing is complemented by a lively programme of social events throughout the year and our licensed bar is open on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

Saturday 15 February
The Gentlemen of Aquarius request the pleasure of the company of the Ladies at a BANQUET - Booking essential, details;
Fully Booked

Activities at Aquarius throughout the Winter. The Club will be open every Sunday except 29 December; more. Wednesday Opening reduced to selected Wednesdays with a Meal at 18:30; more.

For our latest news update click here.
River Conditions, Weather.