Problem with many menus; I am trying to fix.

John thanked Cath Bridger for the preparation of a questionnaire which solicits membership views on AQSC. You should all have received a copy of this and are asked to fill it in and send back, as per instructions at the end of it. In conclusion John thanked everybody concerned with the organisation and delivery of the events throughout the year.

Next came Graham Thompson's Treasurer's Report. Graham has an easy knack of presenting the annual accounts in a way that everybody can understand. He did however point out that, whilst we have quite a large balance at present, in a year or two, annual fees will likely have to rise, members suggested a small rise before too long may be better than a larger increase later.

The next order of business was the election of Club Officers and the new Committee. Of interest was Pat Halling's appointment as Rear Commodore, succeeding Eric Bridgewater and Kevin Lavery taking over as Hon Publicity Officer. Jon Larsson stood down from the position of Hon Harbourmaster and this position has been combined with that of Boatswain, ably handled by Bryan Clements. All other positions remained as last year.

Graham Thompson was unanimously re-elected as Auditor.

Any other Business

There were a couple of suggestions regarding membership categories. John advised that a sub-committee under Cath are looking at this, and both the associated, and indeed all the Rules - but better to not rush or we would easily introduce even more anomalies.

There was a query over whether any member should be allowed to attend committee meetings. And we send items out by post twice a year - especially the start of year which includes a hard copy of the programme, could either or both of these posts be sent by email instead.  

The Commodore invites suggestions and complaints (throughout the year) to himself, and assures that he brings every one up at committee.

Prize Giving

This was presided over by our Hon Sailing Secretary Richard Cannon helped by Graham Thompson and the prizes presented by Joan Courtney. Who won what can be seen on the website. Of interest however were one or two, how shall I put it? 'Fixes'. The first was the presentation of the Capsize Trophy. This year our venerable water rat was awarded to Joan Courtney for her spectacular capsize, in a Bosun, right outside the club house, during which she managed to stay dry above the waist. Nice one Joan! The second was a special Bodgit & Co. award to Bryan Clements in recognition of all the work that he puts in at the club. For instance at present he is currently laying tons of paving slabs up in the trailer park. No small undertaking; richard can’t pick one up and Bryan is only a couple of years younger than him.

Many thanks to Josh Watson-Evans for polishing all the trophies just prior to the start of the evening. That will teach you to turn up early! Richard had brought some silver polish in case it was needed.

End of Season Party

This year's party will probably be remembered for the fantastic buffet provided by Diana Carpenter and her team. Over the years these have all have been great but this one was 'stand out' in terms of variety and quality of food and Joan Walkden's mulled wine an accompaniment 'par excellence'

… And in conclusion

So, there you have it, another year done and dusted but don't forget we still have the Cheats Christmas Party on 10 December and Seasonable nibbles, in the bar, on the evening of Wednesday 20 December.

January 2018 kicks off with a New Year's Day sail and Pot Luck Lunch. Then on 27 January there's Burns Night to celebrate at the club with Haggis, Neeps and Tatties.

AGM, Prizegiving and Party - 2 December 2017
Mike Baker More Photos by Frank Rainsborough

This year's AGM was moderately well attended (about 30). After a delay caused by tryng to get the laptop and projector to behave things finally got underway. Apologies for absence, minutes of the last AGM were quickly dealt with.

John Botterill's Commodores report took the form of an overview of the years activities both on and off the water. Some of the accompanying photos, especially those concerned with capsizes, caused a lot of mirth amongst the audience.