Summer 2011


Commodore's Writes

1001 uses for …  

Alternative Wed. night

Bewl Water

Bodgit Diaries

Changes in the pipeline

Club open weekend

Hampton Regatta

Joan Bray welcomes  

Lunch & frostbite cruise

Lunchtime BBQ

Midsummer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy

Newsletter printing

Pinafore Pirates of Titipu

Potential new member!

Regatta Saturday

Regatta Sunday

Sailing Secretary

Security Heads-Up

Social calendar

Start of racing program

Start of Season Party

Thoughts on green

Youth sailing afternoon

Working party 18 March

Working party 14 May



10 July - AQSC Regatta And Strawberry Cream Tea

Sunday’s OOD was Nigel Knowles, AOD Stuart Schafer and patrol boat Bryan Clements. There wasn’t much wind and by the afternoon there was practically none.  The day started with Regatta Trophy Race 3 and was followed by a lunch of the remaining pork and salad.

The Commodore’s Novelty Event which involved the collecting the greatest number of coloured balls which were released onto the river by the patrol boat; it didn’t matter that there was no wind because any form of propulsion was allowed.

Next was the Ladies and Novices Races where each novice was followed by a mentor, Keith Hatton mentored  from a canoe; there was much ‘cheating’ in the form of paddling and being pushed by the canoe but the two trophy winners obeyed the rules.


The afternoon ended with ‘Fun & Games’ which usually involves a couple of Lasers and everybody involved getting very wet;  his year was no exception. During the day some fourteen boats participated in the sailing which made Richard a very happy bunny.

The sailing was followed by a very civilised and quintessentially English strawberry cream tea. The strawberries hand picked by Joan and George that very morning. Actually I think they eat far more while picking than they are prepared to admit. The club’s ladies also provided an amazing array of sandwiches and cakes which, as there was very little left, obviously went down a storm. There were over 50 people at the club.

Richard then presented the trophies. John Panting won the Regatta cup. Rebecca Gittoes won the Ladies Trophy and Trudi Hilton won the Novice Trophy. Well done to them.

All in all not a bad weekend. The sailing conditions on Sunday were not the best, but then you can’t have everything.

Trying to thank everybody who helped over the weekend is fraught with danger because you are always going to forget someone.

Needless to say a lot of people worked bloody hard to make it the success it undoubtedly was. From setting up, to preparing food, to washing up, to handling the racing, to manning the bar, to clearing up afterwards an army of folks gave of their time and energy for which all I can say is a very big THANK YOU! It was much appreciated and absolutely made the weekend. Aquarius SC is what it is because of members like you and long may it stay so.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker