Summer 2011


Commodore's Writes

1001 uses for …  

Alternative Wed. night

Bewl Water

Bodgit Diaries

Changes in the pipeline

Club open weekend

Hampton Regatta

Joan Bray welcomes  

Lunch & frostbite cruise

Lunchtime BBQ

Midsummer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy

Newsletter printing

Pinafore Pirates of Titipu

Potential new member!

Regatta Saturday

Regatta Sunday

Sailing Secretary

Security Heads-Up

Social calendar

Start of racing program

Start of Season Party

Thoughts on green

Youth sailing afternoon

Working party 18 March

Working party 14 May



13 March Working Party

Never sure how these events are going to turn out. This one started grey, cold and wet. Not an auspicious beginning, however things did get progressively better. The rain stopped, the sky turned blue, the sun came out and twenty two souls turned up and got stuck in.

These included Liz Archer, Ken Ayres, Mike Baker, Don Barnett , Helen Barnett, Laurie Bridges, Eric Bridgewater, Richard Cannon, Diana Carpenter, Pete Carpenter, Gordon Courtney, Joan Courtney, Charles Dennis, Frank Goodall, Pat Halling, Tony Hopkins, Dave Jennings, Nigel Knowles, Stuart Schafer, Arthur Sykes, Graham Thompson and John Tomkins.

The main plan was to continue clearing along the bank behind the dinghies. This gainfully employed just about everyone for the whole day. Meanwhile Diana Carpenter, ably assisted by Helen Barnett, kept the hot drinks coming and provided a superb curry lunch with all the trimmings.

Pete Carpenter vanished into the clubroom ceiling and installed a new speaker system to replace the existing one that dated back to ‘the ark’. Unfortunately the amp in the radio/CD player was then found to be blown. This is probably uneconomic to repair and will require the purchase of a new unit.

Thanks to everybody for a really good effort it was much appreciated and to Diana for the excellent lunch. The next working party is scheduled for 13 May. The drive will need a ‘blitz’, there will be plenty of grass strimming and we will probably push on further up the bank behind the dinghies. Hopefully see you there?

Mike (Over Easy) Baker