
Autumn 2002


AGM, Prizes & Party
All that Jazz
Annual Dinner
AQSC - the Business
Aquarius Domain Name
Bewl August 2002
Bewl Water Day
Club Books

Commodore’s Bit

Farewell to Mabel
Food in Fridge

For Sale

Members News
Next Generation
Over Easy Holiday
Quiz Nite
Sailing Report
SigneTs at Littleton SC
SigneT Nationals
Social Calendar
Things to Remember
Voices from the Past

What Goes In

AQSC - the Business !

Have you ever wondered how a club like Aquarius is run ? "What's to run", I hear you say, "you just turn up on Sundays and sail right", WRONG ! The easiest way to understand Aquarius is to view it as a business. Like any enterprise AQSC requires an objective, a financial structure, operating codes, premises, management, and of course - customers (that's you by the way).

AQSC derives it's operational mandate from the Annual General Meeting. Every paid up member is entitled to attend this meeting which is usually held in the clubhouse during the early part of December. That's a broad hint to those members who have never attended one. The AGM reviews 'the business', proposes and debates required amendments to its purpose and constitution and elects a management team for the coming season. It also provides an important forum for the membership to voice concerns or suggest improvements. The election of the right management team is a key element to the ongoing success of the club business.

AQSC has a traditional sailing club structure which operationally is headed by a Commodore, the equivalent to a company Managing Director. This position is responsible for the overall image, direction, annual programme and management of AQSC. The Commodore is supported in these endeavours by a Vice Commodore, two Rear Commodores, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Bosun, Harbourmaster, Sailing Secretary, Publicity Officer and a Social Secretary. The Vice Commodore is the Commodores direct understudy and is also the Bar Manager with responsibilities for stock ordering and organisation of the bar staff roster.

Each of the Rear Commodores have specific responsibilities for internal and external club business. Internal business covers premises and health & safety. External business covers all issues and politics having a bearing on AQSC. The Hon. Secretary is responsible for the club registers, correspondence, documents, meeting minutes and subscriptions. The Hon. Treasurer is responsible for the club finance, accounts and preparation of an annual balance sheet together with administration of the clubs insurance policies.

The Hon. Bosun and Harbourmasters are respectively responsible for maintenance of the club dinghies and allocation of berthing for the club and members craft. The Hon. Sailing Secretary is responsible for the annual sailing program, the organisation of weekly race officer duties and the calculation of race results. The Hon. Publicity Officer is responsible for the clubs external image, organisation of advertising and external events and for input to the clubs newsletter. The Hon. Social Secretary is responsible for organisation of the clubs non-sailing program. This includes internal and external events including the clubs annual dinner. The above are aided and abetted by an auditor and an executive committee drawn from the club membership.

Social and Management Committee Meetings are held each month in the clubhouse. The Social Committee reviews up and coming events, as defined on the annual club program, and allocates responsibilities for the same. This assembly is immediately followed by the clubs main management meeting. This is an informally formal meeting. The agenda covers Apologies for absence, Minutes of the last meeting, Matters arising, Commodores report, Secretary's report, Sub-committee reports, Any Other business and the Date of the next meeting.

Each discipline representative is responsible for his/her outstanding action items and matters arising. Issues are debated, actions allocated and future programme requirements reviewed. Of course, what needs to be done, doesn't end at the club. Committee members regularly attend external meetings such as River User Groups and Local Council meetings. Liaison is also maintained with the likes of Thames Water (our Landlords) and external agencies like the RYA and those organising events such as the recent Queen's Party in Bushy Park. Then there are work parties needed to strim, paint, plumb, wire and generally maintain AQSC and i's grounds and Oh yes ! the preparation, editing and printing of the clubs newspaper 'The Main Sheet'.

It all takes time and commitment so that when you turn up on Sunday hopefully you can "just sail !".

Mike (Over Easy) Baker