
Autumn 2002


AGM, Prizes & Party
All that Jazz
Annual Dinner
AQSC - the Business
Aquarius Domain Name
Bewl August 2002
Bewl Water Day
Club Books

Commodore’s Bit

Farewell to Mabel
Food in Fridge

For Sale

Members News
Next Generation
Over Easy Holiday
Quiz Nite
Sailing Report
SigneTs at Littleton SC
SigneT Nationals
Social Calendar
Things to Remember
Voices from the Past

What Goes In


Unfortunately since the Summer newsletter generally we have had terrible sailing conditions with most Sundays having very light fluky winds; only a couple of Sundays have given a reasonable sail. We haven’t been alone with poor sailing conditions because even the Bewl visit only had wind on the Monday and only one of the five Signet meetings had any wind (there even wasn’t wind at Rutland Water).

A new venture for us was holding a Signet Open meeting. It was disappointing that only four of our ten Signets were sailing; we had five visitors. Although we had light wind until the last race our visitors enjoyed themselves and liked our club very much, especially the spectators.

Quoted from the SCOA newsletter. “The spectators would like to say what a lovely club Aquarius is. For those of you that where unable to come it is a very beautiful spot on the River Thames with a lovely club house, a bar and good food thanks to Madeline and all the other helpers. It is very like something out of Swallows and Amazons or Wind in the Willows

and we would strongly recommend it for next season. What ever the sailors may say. Can we also have the same weather next year?” We expect to be asked to hold it again next season.

Some of our junior sailors have reached the age of changing life style with going to College or starting work and this has had an impact on the number joining in.

As we had such a successful Jubilee Picnic in Bushy Park we held a mini open day on 28 July for those who had expressed an interest. Twelve visitors were taken out crewing in races and between races. We gained more new members from this than from our main Open Day.

A number of new members have been coming down on Wednesday afternoons and evenings to practice sailing.

After doing an excellent job at promoting Graduate, we have 7, Graham Thompson is now promoting Bosuns and we have 4 in the club.

I hope we get better sailing next season.