
Autumn 2002


AGM, Prizes & Party
All that Jazz
Annual Dinner
AQSC - the Business
Aquarius Domain Name
Bewl August 2002
Bewl Water Day
Club Books

Commodore’s Bit

Farewell to Mabel
Food in Fridge

For Sale

Members News
Next Generation
Over Easy Holiday
Quiz Nite
Sailing Report
SigneTs at Littleton SC
SigneT Nationals
Social Calendar
Things to Remember
Voices from the Past

What Goes In

Farewell to Mabel

This story will mainly be of interest to our Signet owning members

After all the wet weather we have had recently August 14 was a beautiful summers day. If ever there was a favourable time to celebrate a friends life, this was it. Sunshine lifts the soul, makes colours more vibrant and in a funny way helps to mix the sadness of loss with the happiness of remembering a life well lived.

The Crematorium at Peterborough was both a peaceful place and an extremely difficult place to find. Having driven around the city a couple of times trying to find it, I feel qualified to say that. However about sixty people did find it including many from the SigneT Class Owners Association.

The service for Mabel was unhurried and peaceful. Several pieces of music were played giving everyone time for memories and contemplation. The minister gave the eulogy which was informative, compassionate and humorous and provided a fitting insight into Tom and Mabels life together, her interests and skills as an artist.

After the ceremony we spent a short time in the gardens meeting Mabel’s and Tom’s family and looking at the flowers that had been sent. Everybody was then invited back to the house at Elton. It seemed strange walking into Merienda and not to be welcomed by Mabel. I’ve lost count of the times the SigneT crowd have camped out on Tom and Mabel’s living room carpet prior to going up to Ferry Meadows. Mabel took it all in her stride and always made everybody welcome. Her breakfasts were always the best part and she thought nothing of cooking for twenty or so people.

The family had thoughtfully provide a very nice buffet at the house. The lounge doors were wide open and people spilled out into the garden. Tom somehow managed to get around and spend time with everyone although I expect all he wanted to do was sit down quietly with a cup of tea.

About three o’clock people started leaving. While Richard and I were waiting to say our goodbyes I looked around. Everywhere were reminders of Mabel, the most striking being some of her paintings. I’d like to think that having those will be a great comfort to Tom in the years to come.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker