
Autumn 2002


AGM, Prizes & Party
All that Jazz
Annual Dinner
AQSC - the Business
Aquarius Domain Name
Bewl August 2002
Bewl Water Day
Club Books

Commodore’s Bit

Farewell to Mabel
Food in Fridge

For Sale

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Next Generation
Over Easy Holiday
Quiz Nite
Sailing Report
SigneTs at Littleton SC
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Things to Remember
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What Goes In

Bewl 24-6 August 2002 - Richard Cannon

Saturday was the Bewl Board Regatta but there was very little wind and they didn’t bother to sail. There was just enough wind for Richard Cannon with Robert Britton in ST368, and Laurie Bridges with Michael Stevens in ST856 to go for a short cruise. Then Robert and Michael went out but paddled back when the wind dropped to nothing.

Sunday was normal club racing that we could join in but all, except Nigel Knowles in his Laser, decided to cruise; see Mike Baker’s story on the next page.

Sunday night was wet and windy fortunately it cleared up before the morning and we were able put the tents away dry. Monday was the Bewl Regatta with all boats starting together in short course racing; these were 2 lap races, over a trapezium course, lasting under 30 minutes and as soon as one race has finished the start sequence for the next

race started. Richard let Robert helm, Laurie had Michael as crew and Eiko Thompson crewed for Graham in his Bosun.

We had a good sail in a 10-15 knot wind although in the first race Laurie capsized forcing a gybe while approaching a mark and retired for good. There were three races before lunch and two in the afternoon. After lunch Richard suggested Michael crewed for Robert as the capsize had curtailed his sailing and then Richard crewed for Graham because Eiko had got very cold.

Thirty six starters gave a crowded start line and the short races put a premium on good starts. Robert did well to come 13th with a best result of 9th. Although we had a low attendance and far from ideal weather those who went enjoyed the weekend.