
Autumn 2002


AGM, Prizes & Party
All that Jazz
Annual Dinner
AQSC - the Business
Aquarius Domain Name
Bewl August 2002
Bewl Water Day
Club Books

Commodore’s Bit

Farewell to Mabel
Food in Fridge

For Sale

Members News
Next Generation
Over Easy Holiday
Quiz Nite
Sailing Report
SigneTs at Littleton SC
SigneT Nationals
Social Calendar
Things to Remember
Voices from the Past

What Goes In

Club Books

The Club has has a number of books for use by members at the Club. These should not leave the Club premises. A number of books seem to have disappeared; if any one has Club books at home could they please return them.

Food in Fridge
Peter Carpenter

If anyone leaves food in the kitchen fridge would they please make sure it is dated and they leave a name tag on it. If food cannot be identified by date and owner them it will probably be thrown out at the end of the day. This is an important health issue.

Beware - The Next Generation
Graham Thompson

Whilst becalmed for the umpteenth time on this summer's cruise in the Firth of Forth I was drifting amongst a sail-training class of youngsters in Toppers out from the Port Edgar Marina.

In order to liven up the proceedings one lad moved on to the bow, which itself is a tricky manoeuvre as the surfboard like craft is not the most stable of boats, and performed a head-stand up against the mast. Around me others took up the challenge and tried it, amazingly none fell in!

I began to feel old.

Peter Pan Pantomime
at Richmond Theatre

A group of members plan to go to see the panto around the second week of January. Stall tickets are about £15 and we will be booking soon.

If you fancy this please phone Diana Carpenter on 020 8393 8029