Spring 2009


Commodore's Report

AGM & Prizegiving

Annual Dinner

Boat Use Records

Christmas Cheats Lunch

Club Boat Berths

Commodore's Cruise

Commodore's Profile


Fee Increases For 2009

Fireworks Night

Goodbye to a Club History


Indian Lunch


Members Please Note!

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Places of Interest

Programme March - May

Race Start Times

Safety Boat

Sailing Programme


Skittles for your Diary

Slogans On T Shirts

Something to think about


Trivia Corner

Valentines Lunch


Working Parties


Christmas Cheats Lunch
Sunday 14 December

This was the first of the club's winter activities aimed at maintaining contact between the members over the closed season. Judging by Frank Rainsborough's write-up and the accompanying photographs, published on the club's website, it was very well attended and enjoyed by all. Well done to everybody who cooked the lunch and organised the games afterwards.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker

Members Please Note!


Sail Numbers

Our Sailing Sec. Richard Cannon has asked that all members ensure that they clearly mark their sail numbers on their sails by the commencement of the 2009 season. He has noted that several dinghies do not have any sail numbers at all and this makes the OOD's job extremely difficult when trying to manage club racing.


Outer Road Gates

Thames Water have requested that the large outer green gates are closed when the last member leaves the club. This is to deter or stop fly-tipping that started reoccurring at the beginning of this year. This nuisance is very expensive to remove and Thames Water would like to put more emphasis on prevention. Accordingly if you are last out, day or night, please ensure that you close the outer road gates and also ensure that the two inner gates are locked.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker