Spring 2009


Commodore's Report

AGM & Prizegiving

Annual Dinner

Boat Use Records

Christmas Cheats Lunch

Club Boat Berths

Commodore's Cruise

Commodore's Profile


Fee Increases For 2009

Fireworks Night

Goodbye to a Club History


Indian Lunch


Members Please Note!

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Places of Interest

Programme March - May

Race Start Times

Safety Boat

Sailing Programme


Skittles for your Diary

Slogans On T Shirts

Something to think about


Trivia Corner

Valentines Lunch


Working Parties


Commodore’s Profile - Tony Hopkins

Age: 61. Married to Cassie for 41 years, 4 children (3 boys and a girl), 2 grand children.

Apprenticed as a centre lathe turner moved into mechanical inspection then saw the light when computing took off in the early eighties and have worked in this area for the last 27 years.

Occupation: Technical manager in computing at Kingston University for the last 22 years. I will be taking VER(Voluntary Early Retirement in June 2009, Yipee).

I have lived in Chiswick and Brentford for most of my life apart from a short spell when we lived in Heston and Bletchley.


Tony and Cassie

Tony and Cassie at the 2008 Prize Giving
picture by Frank Rainsborough

Hobbies: non active radio ham, woodwork, hashing. I will have a go at most things. I was heavily involved in model boats when I was first married and attended the first ever British all electric regatta at Tannhouse pits, Colnbrook and raced in the 100 watt class. Passions: running, I still run around 5 times per week, although I do not race now I have run 33 Marathons and a few ultras (further than a marathon), my only claim to fame was winning a 5k and coming 4th in an off road marathon  and now obviously my other passion is sailing.

First tried my hand at sailing on the Med in September 2006 and was immediately hooked, joined Aquarius in December 2006, soon found out that sailing was not a black art (except for race rules) and have not looked back since.

Before joining Aquarius I searched the web in the Thames valley area for potential clubs and none had the friendliness of Aquarius, my first contact was Nigel, he immediately said that I looked like a sailor (in the nautical sense) and I attended the Cheats Christmas lunch that year and have never looked back. I do feel honoured to now be the Aquarius current Commodore and will do my utmost to push the club forward in the area that best suits it’s members.