Spring 2009


Commodore's Report

AGM & Prizegiving

Annual Dinner

Boat Use Records

Christmas Cheats Lunch

Club Boat Berths

Commodore's Cruise

Commodore's Profile


Fee Increases For 2009

Fireworks Night

Goodbye to a Club History


Indian Lunch


Members Please Note!

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Places of Interest

Programme March - May

Race Start Times

Safety Boat

Sailing Programme


Skittles for your Diary

Slogans On T Shirts

Something to think about


Trivia Corner

Valentines Lunch


Working Parties


Club Boats - New Berth arrangements - Bryan Clements

Through the good offices of Graham Thompson the Club has purchased another Laser Pico dinghy. This means that we now have two 2-person dinghies particularly suited for youngsters.

The hull to one of the original Club lasers, which was damaged at the end of last season, was judged beyond economic repair and has been replaced with one donated by Nigel Knowles. The Committee have also decided to sell the Escape Fusion, which has not been very much used.

All the Club boats - and indeed all boats on berths A -O - are now secured via their bow fitting to a rail running along the bank. (thanks to Messrs Bodgit & Co for procuring and installing the rail).

Each boat has a wire strop and associated combination padlock attached to the rail which should be passed through the boat's bow fitting and secured back on itself with the associated combination padlock. All boats are also tied down to tyres buried in the bank.

The rail and tyre arrangement removes the need for any pickets or metal spikes on the bank in this area and these are now banned. (Rusty metal half hidden in undergrowth is a hazard to bare legs to say nothing for what it does to strimmer cord!).

As a safety measure there is an additional rope for each boat, attached permanently to the rail, which is intended to provide security when working around the boat

In the near future we intend to provide additional timbers along the river frontage to enable boats on berths A - O to be launched directly from their berths into the river.