Spring 2009


Commodore's Report

AGM & Prizegiving

Annual Dinner

Boat Use Records

Christmas Cheats Lunch

Club Boat Berths

Commodore's Cruise

Commodore's Profile


Fee Increases For 2009

Fireworks Night

Goodbye to a Club History


Indian Lunch


Members Please Note!

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Places of Interest

Programme March - May

Race Start Times

Safety Boat

Sailing Programme


Skittles for your Diary

Slogans On T Shirts

Something to think about


Trivia Corner

Valentines Lunch


Working Parties


One for your Diary


The 2009 Skittles night at The Grantley Arms, Wonersh, outside Guildford has been booked for the evening of 18 July. Price, as last year £15.

I will choose two meat and one vegetarian meal to be served on the evening. That will be accompanied by the usual Rice, Salad, French Bread or Poppadums and Tortilla Chips.

This is a very popular evening and once again we will be playing against Lyn's Embercourt Badminton Club. More details nearer the time.

Mike (Knock'em Down) Baker


Boat Use Records
Richard Cannon


When race results are processed most of the data on the race result sheets is recorded in a database; records go back to 1993. It is fairly easy to create reports to see how often and which club boats are used to help plan club resources.

We don’t have any record of club boas used for cruising or training or of other boats used except when racing. It would be easy to create a ‘series’ to enable non racing use to be recorded in the database if non racing use is recorded.

There is little use of boats except on race days and probably the easiest way of recording it is for the OOD to make entries at the bottom of the race sheet of boats that are sailing but not racing.. Similar records could be made for sailing on Wednesday afternoons..

On race days the OOD should record, at the bottom of the race sheet, the sail number, helm and crew of any boats that are not racing but are sailing; no laps or times need be recorded. A race sheet will be left on the notice board for records of boats sailing at other times.