Spring 2009


Commodore's Report

AGM & Prizegiving

Annual Dinner

Boat Use Records

Christmas Cheats Lunch

Club Boat Berths

Commodore's Cruise

Commodore's Profile


Fee Increases For 2009

Fireworks Night

Goodbye to a Club History


Indian Lunch


Members Please Note!

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Places of Interest

Programme March - May

Race Start Times

Safety Boat

Sailing Programme


Skittles for your Diary

Slogans On T Shirts

Something to think about


Trivia Corner

Valentines Lunch


Working Parties


AQSC Website - Webmaster Richard Cannon


This year is the 10th anniversary of the website. It was announced in the Summer newsletter that was published on 30 June 1999 and the earliest event on the website is the 1999 Regatta on 3 July.

At that time the web address was and it is still hosted there. This is the free web space I received when I had a Gateway PC and it is still free with no advertising pop-ups. It is now part of but retains its ukgateway address.

On 16 August 2002 the domain name;uk was registered using 1&1; it only costs around £3 per year and is the website’s only cost I think it is extremely good value.


The objective of the website was to provide easily accessible information to members at high speed in the days of only dial up access. It isn’t flashy because that would slow it down and I am not artistic.

It is very good for looking up historic data because pages aren’t deleted; most things including news pages, newsletters, programs, and race results go back to 1999 and can still be viewed. Race results are normally available on the website the day following racing.

There are over 800 pages, 400 pictures, and 1900 files,; 37mb of the 50mb quota is used.

In 1999 20% of members had access to email, now it is about 70%.

I hope members are finding it useful. I receive very few comments or reports of problems of things not working.  It is very important I am told of things that don’t work else I never know and can’t correct them.